Fri-tation - My Friday Quotation


I could have only picked the quote because it reminded me of being on a boat in the Caribbean with two of my best friends (but I guess you'll never know).

Good afternoon everyone,

Now I know it's been a few weeks (okay, you got me, a lot of weeks) since my last Fri-tation but gosh, life just had to get in the way didn't it? Does anyone else feel like this week was never going to end? (Just me? okay). Thank goodness Friday's here, and I think, as I hope you do as well, that we need something to appreciate the week just passed, and to motivate us to get through this weekend. Today's quote is by the none other then one of the founding father's himself, Benjamin Franklin.

Now being an aspiring writer, I see these kinds of quotes and I just smile. When you read something like this, it seems so simple - write something worth reading or do something worth writing. However, I believe that while this may seem like a choice, a Mexican cuisine ad on Australian TV taught me por que no las dos (why not both?). Any of my Australian readers who get that reference feel free to leave me a cheeky comment down below! Back to present, why should we limit ourselves to only choosing one of the two options that Franklin gives us? Do something worth writing, and then write about it! Write about something you've dreamed of doing and then do it! Intend to lead an extraordinary life that people want to write about. Do it for you, and nobody else.

That's what I believe is truly inspiring about this type of quote. Which leaves me to one final question on this Friday night. What are you going to do this weekend? Write something worth reading? Or do something worth writing? Or por que no las dos?

Until next time,
Gina xx

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